Damage assessment

Damage reports for vehicles

After a hailstorm or other mass loss event, quick and accurate damage assessments are crucial. Our team of experts is ready to carefully inspect vehicles after such events. We use the most modern technologies to precisely record and efficiently document damage.

Why it works:

The CSI damage assessment

Assessment of natural damage and preparation of diminished value reports

Mass damage events such as hailstorms represent a particular challenge, especially when it comes to assessing vehicles and preparing diminished value reports. In such situations, speed and precision are crucial, and this is exactly where our innovative approach comes in.

Moderne Lichttunnel und digitale Software

Unsere Schadenbegutachtung nach Massenschadenereignissen basiert auf modernsten Technologien. Wir nutzen spezielle Lichttunnel, die es uns ermöglichen, Schäden in aller Tiefe und Genauigkeit zu erfassen. Diese Methode, gepaart mit unserer fortschrittlichen digitalen Software, stellt sicher, dass selbst die kleinsten Schäden erfasst und dokumentiert werden. Wir verstehen, dass die Präzision der Begutachtung für Versicherungen, Werkstätten und Autohäuser von größter Bedeutung ist, um genaue Reparaturkosten zu ermitteln und die Abwicklung von Schadensfällen zu optimieren.

Vehicle scanner for automatic damage detection

This year we increased our innovative strength even further by introducing vehicle scanners for automatic damage recording. This advanced technology allows us to record damage faster and more precisely. Our scanners are able to scan the entire vehicle in a short time and identify damage that could easily be missed during manual inspection. This automated approach speeds up the process and ensures an even more reliable damage assessment.

Trusted by insurance companies like Allianz and HUK

Our service is used by well-known insurance companies such as Allianz or HUK. This trust is based on our proven ability to carry out damage assessments accurately, efficiently and in a timely manner. We understand the high expectations these reputable insurance companies place on us and are proud to meet their standards.

In the world of mass casualty loss assessment, innovation and precision are essential. With our modern light tunnels, digital software and automatic vehicle scanners, we set the standards for reliable damage assessment. Rely on us to handle your claims efficiently and accurately.